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Compassion Support is a designated 501c3 nonprofit organization founded by veterinarians to address job related compassion fatigue and burnout. Our goals are to educate, ease burdens, and develop training strategies for personal and professional resilience.

The concept of Compassion Support originated to help the veterinary community because veterinarians have the highest suicide rate when compared to careers of similar education level. In our research, it became apparent that compassion fatigue and career burnout from ongoing job stress and trauma was likely part of the cause. As we looked deeper into these issues, the scope of affected careers widened to include the veterinary support staff, animal care workers, animal control officers, human first responders, health workers, military personnelle and the like. Each person may experience different types of job stress but their responses are similar with conditions like empathy overload, burnout and compassion fatigue.

The most familiar of these careers are “first responders” or nurses, doctors, police officers, and firefighters. However, all job fields that care for others (humans or animals) are at risk for compassion fatigue and would benefit from training and support to process work related trauma in order to maintain self-wellness and compassion resilience. Compassion Support aims to be inclusive of all such professionals.

Join Compassion Support in our Partners with Paws fund where we provide needed items and care to K9 unit warriors. Each dog, their agency, their handlers, and the community they serve benefit directly from your donation. Mention Partners with Paws when you contribute to Compassion Support and we will ensure your funds are dedicated to our K9 unit heros.


You can donate through Paypal by clicking the button below.

You can support us by signing up for Amazonsmile and a small portion of each Amazon purchase will go toward Compassion Support.

For more information about our programs

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